Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Day 857

Rough day but I took care of myself and it ended up okay.

Work is both busy and depressing which isn’t a great combo. I had to do s road trip today so I made sure to take myself to lunch. Got everything done but not in a particularly motivated way.

However not only did Spouse make dinner tonight but also it was the season finale of the TV show I’ve been watching all summer. I’m kinda glad to have it done, frankly. I liked it well enough for the most part but it just dragged on too long and I started losing interest.

I also played with polyclay and that helped too.

So all things considered the day ended pretty well. I just wish I were sleepier.


  1. I hope your sleep is better tonight.

    1. Aww..thanks for kind words! I’m starting to at least get settled that this is the new normal. Not crazy about it but not -as- sleep deprived either.
