Friday, February 1, 2019

Days 980 and 981

Past two days really emotionally hard. I feel so wrung out. Yesterday’s snow day didn’t work out at all as I had hoped and there was trouble with the repairs on Middle’s car and the weather just keeps sucking and my family aren’t the most empathetic humans on the planet and I’m just glum.

Went to bed at 4pm yesterday and at 7:22 today. That’s a Belle tool which works. Didn’t have the good sense to stay in bed tonight though and when I got up I had a Lot of Carbs. I know there are way worse things but I sense a slide into some really dysfunctional food things I thought I got rid of ages ago. I can see why but that doesn’t make it easier to stop. 

Now I’m back in bed where it’s warm and quiet. Maybe tomorrow will be easier. 


  1. I understand this winter thing!
    It gets wearing after 3 months.
    I hope you can get out for a short walk?
    That might help!

    1. I agree walking would help and maybe nod that it is warming up I can do some!
