Saturday, July 13, 2019

Three Years, One Month, Three Weeks and a Day

Weekends in the hospital are usually a holding pattern. That means we are most likely still sitting on the same decision point: heart strong enough for a transplant vs home with hospice. We can deal with either choice but it will be nice to know which. It’s not so nice to be starting our second week in the Big Medical Center Three Hours From Home but life is full of unpleasant situations.

Thought I’d write about some things for which I am grateful.

First and biggest: my sobriety. I can’t even imagine trying to do this wife/advocate thing while still being a drinking person. Either I’d be finding excuses to sneak away and get a drink or I’d be stuck in that white-knuckle “I’m so Not Drinking” state and both would be awful not just because I couldn’t be present in the right way for him but also because of the terrible shame spiral. Husband with end-stage liver disease and wife has to down a shot or four of vodka? Would make me feel not just like dog shit but really nasty ate-something-it-shouldn’t dog shit. So that’s huge. Just huge. I am grateful I got sober. Always and forever I am grateful I got sober...especially now.

I am grateful he didn’t die back in April during the first only-four-day hospital admission. Even if he dies tomorrow we will still have had two months I wasn’t sure we’d get.

I am grateful I turned out to be emotionally strong. Resilient. It’s not that I’m killing myself trying -not- to break down in tears or rage; it’s that I genuinely don’t feel the urge. Probably this has to do with my baseline personality -and- long-term sobriety. Taking away the booze takes away the really jagged fast high/low emotional peaks and valleys in favor of a more gentle wave and then it turns out I’m pretty stable on my own...and I’m grateful.

I am grateful we have a good family who can all rally around to help. We don’t have to worry about either house or the critters because the kids have those bases covered. We don’t have to worry about brother-in-law because my mother-in-law is still not just able, but happy and eager, to keep him in her apartment for as long as it takes. Having that kind of backup support is heartwarming in addition to gratifying.

I am grateful my workplace is so understanding. “Take all the time you need” has been the universal response. This is hugely helpful.

I am grateful that over the past year or so I’ve developed a spiritual practice which gives me comfort and strength.

I am grateful for a strong network of friends and acquaintances- that includes you fine blogfriends - who are there to help hold me up and listen to me.

I am grateful this hospital has enough money. Mine doesn’t and the differences are apparent everywhere from the cheerfulness of the staff to the really nice ice in the cafeteria.

Speaking of which...I am grateful for such a nice cafeteria with so many good vegetarian choices. They even stock my favorite teabags (Bigelow raspberry.) The quality and variety make this experience less lousy.

I am grateful my hairstyle- or rather lack of one - means I can sleep in a recliner, re-do my ponytail and be good to go. I’m grateful the recliner is comfy too.

I am grateful he and I keep getting more days together. He is the most interesting human I’ve ever known and we’ve had a helluva time over the past 30 years. I sure don’t want it to be over...and if it -does- have to be over I’m grateful it isn’t _today_.


  1. Oh Sam, I been away for a while and just caught up reading on your blog, and this particular entry made me choke up, because not only of the situation, but your gratefulness in dealing with the situation. One, I am so glad you are they for your husband, in presence, spirit and love. All the details you've shared about his experience with his medical situation is very detailed and informative, and the amount of effort to navigate through it all is tough, but you hold strong. You've proven how drinking doesn't fit, or need to, dealing with life, at all. Know I'm out here, heart-fully sending my prayers and support your way. xo, ll

  2. No change in plan but three bits of good news:
    1) his kidneys are continuing to do very well - much better than before he was admitted and enough that they are going to give him more diuretic to get more fluid off to be more comfortable. All that albumin seems to have helped.
    2) "you have a high MELD score but you are a strong high score." As opposed to being very weak/sick - so this is really good to hear.
    3) Because of his blood type (B) there are more organs available faster (no I don't know why.)

    The general impression I got is that they are moving forward toward transplant - they are not doing that no-guarantees let’s-wait-and-see thing that doctors do when they are worried for bad outcome so I’m holding that as hope for good/fixable right heart pressures.

    The PA seemed to think cardiac catheterization would happen possibly late tomorrow probably Tuesday as opposed to the Tuesday or Wednesday the attending said. I hope she is right but certainly don’t expect it.

    This is very hard. The whole family is being very strong and supporting each other which is great but that doesn't make it any -less- hard. Also the “tiresome” factor is kicking in from being In The Hospital so very long.

    But it should all be better eventually.

    I found a laundromat near the hospital and am waiting on my clothes to dry. Mundane aspects of life still go on.

  3. Hi Sam!
    Just got back from catching up.
    I just am praying and hoping all goes well for your husband, and he can get the transplant.
    Much love to you during this hard time.
