Passed my stress test easily. No EKG changes. Not only that but at 80% of my target heart rate I could still carry on a conversation so I’m not nearly as out of shape as I thought I was. Bounced back noticeably quickly too so that was all very reassuring and made me feel good. I had a scary chest pressure episode the night I rolled into the NJ house 10-11 days ago. In retrospect I probably should have sought medical assistance but I wasn’t about to spend first 2 days of my vacation in strange hospital for rule out MI and I didn’t think it was severe enough to be full-on MI...but my family is full of heart disease and I have two copies of the APOE4 gene which is early heart disease and late Alzheimer’s so I figured I’d better get checked out. My Dr is now thinking it might have been due to passing a gallstone. I’m just so happy I do -not- have angina. Yet, anyhow — kinda feel like the whatever-it-was night have been a portend to get my act together on the food and exercise thing... my new thing has been to eat real unprocessed food as much as possible and get off the refined sugar. Need to do more walking but it just hasn’t been happening lately.
Need to start trying to get some sleep, too...and that -will- happen. :-)
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