Thursday, January 10, 2019

Day 959

I am really stressed, really tired and only barely keeping things together. The weather pickled up and that was one thing too many. Have started having small weeping spells throughout the day. No actual reason, just pressure relief, I think.

Fortunately one chunk will get better: I’ll be taking Spouse and two of the dogs back to the other house this weekend. I’ll miss him of course but I won’t miss the dog duty or the high-maintenance stuff.

It’s been a really hard couple months. But I’m doing the things and living the life and doing it sober.


  1. So sorry to read this, sometimes life really IS too much. Glad you are just feeling the feelings and putting one foot in front of the other. Sober!
    Focus on your self care and prioritising yourself as often as you can (as a mother) One day you'll just feel a bit lighter and brighter again. 1000 days is right around the corner and that my friend is something to be very proud of.
    Been thinking of you often but can't always comment as you are the biggest reminder of where I could be and am not.
    You have worked so very very hard at this steadily and with resolve and I am in awe of your achievement, really I am.
    Chin up SamKD

    1. Oh so glad to hear from you! :-). Thanks so much for the very kind words — I am deeply touched and you have helped lift me up on a day that really needed it. Please don’t be so hard on yourself. We are all works in progress.

    2. So glad to hear from you, Ginger!
