Monday, November 13, 2017

Day 542

Not as sick. Still plenty of room for improvement but hugely better than yesterday.

Did my Big Loop double site visit day and neither of the people I was supposed to see were there because my secretary hadn’t scheduled the visits with them. Was on my calendar but not theirs. Sigh.

Had crazy dreams all last night the most vivid being of my mother trying to get me to drink various kinds of alcohol. Didn’t but got tired of arguing in the dream and woke up annoyed. Weird way to start the day.

Hoping for a more peaceful week.


  1. Strange dream.
    It is a strange way to start a day.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Definitely strange...but not as random as it seems at first glance as my mother was often pushing booze on me in real life.
