Friday, May 4, 2018

Day 713

Glad it is Friday.

Got my car back just in time to take Spouse and girl-beagle back to the other house tomorrow. It’s probably just as well: the beagles are both used to being Only Dogs and are like toddlers - they can only keep being good around each other for a while and then it gets worse and worse: he escapes, she pees, they both get agitated...and Eldest will do much better having her father back on site.

Also I gotta admit I will be glad to dial back the chaos to its usual baseline level. Especially after tonight as I’m fighting off the cold which flattened Middle last week and had No Freaking Patience for the drinkers in the family. Won’t mind breaking that cycle at all.

There’s a book club starting at work and I went to the kickoff meeting today. I’m excited to finally be in a book club but the first book choice is leaving me rather cold. Maybe it will get better.

For now though, sleep and lots of it.

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