Really had to force myself to do work today but I did it. Still prettt disillusioned about all the stuff from yesterday. Fortunately the new work on Monday shouldn’t be too onerous.
Several good things happened though: my fancy sober birthday cake came. It was frozen on dry ice and is to be kept in the freezer till 4 hours prior to serving so we can have it on Monday after all. I like that. I shoved what was left of the dry ice in the freezer too - it might sublime away but if it’s still there tomorrow maybe we can put it in soapy water; that’s always fun. My smaller-sized recliner chair is also arriving Monday.
Middle did about a third of the first round of yard work and I see that’s going to be a cool thing. Plus I have some sawing for myself in the morning. I’ve been rearranging and clearing space in the basement and generally trying to gradually improve things.
I’ve also been avoiding both my book club book and the shawl about 2/3 done. Paradoxically now that I’m -in- a book club for the first time ever I really don’t like our first selection and the scarf has reached “kinda boring.” But I shall prevail.
I just -love- my microwave rice cooker. Not sure I’ve mentioned that before but the Other Mother in Law (my son in law’s mother - we aren’t particularly close but I took her to lunch last December) had an online Pampered Chef party so I ordered a rice cooker and a pie crust protector. Haven’t used the protector yet but I use the rice cooker at least twice a week for rice or other grains. I just love whole grains warm from the cooker.
But now to bed.
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