Monday, July 2, 2018

Day 771

Sharing the car with a kid whose “part-time” job hovers right at 40 hours is already getting old and we are only a week in.

Maybe the pain is making me crankier than usual. It is much improved but not entirely gone yet.

More likely the emotional stress generated by the other house is making me both cranky and sad.

But now that Youngest is home I can just go to bed. After two years, one month and eleven days I can say with some certainty that going to bed early is always -always- a better choice than relaxing with a cocktail. Doesn’t seem that way for a while but yup, it’s true.


  1. I wish I could sleep like you do!
    If I go to bed early I’m wide awake,

  2. Well I woke up at 5 am this morning so maybe that wasn’t such a good plan. :-)
