Saturday, July 28, 2018

Day 797

For as much chaos as this house has it was a decent Saturday. Got a fair bit of knitting done and trekked down to the good grocery store - with re-useable tote bags for the first time ever and that worked out really well.

Listened to most of “Nanette” for a second time; that worked out really well too. I so rarely agree with popular opinion but everyone is totally right about Hannah Gadsby. Awesome art history major.

I’m starting to get used to the huge amount of chaos but I gotta say there’s a part of me already looking forward to August 13 which will be the first day the house is back to its one-dog routine.

An incidentally nice thing about a sober Saturday night? One remembers to put butter out so it will be  soft enough to make banana bread in the morning.


  1. You make think about getting another dog!
    Only one, though!

    1. One is good. Three is a lot. A loveable lot but still.
