Wow today is my Day 818 and it also -is- 08/18. How cool is that?
It was also a very very good day. Slept in a little bit, had a nice relaxing morning and then Youngest dropped me off at the dealership so I could take possession of my new vehicle which was even nicer than I had thought. Plus I was proud of her because she drove the half hour home all by herself for the first time and although she made a wrong turn she figured out where she was and corrected it all on her own.
Leisurely day knitting and playing computer games and cleaning and sorting and just generally getting stuff done while also treating myself nicely. Used up leftovers for dinner, too.
It was so lousy there for a while I couldn’t see that it would ever be good again but it is.
Sober makes it all better. Oh but that reminds me: on my FaceBook feed I keep seeing ads for “the wine purse” which is a handbag with a pocket that holds what looks like an astronaut-food pouch with a spigot (hidden by a flap) so one can load up a bottle of wine and take it wherever. WTF?!!? Weren’t hip flasks enough? Oh wait, I forgot: we are now supposed to give in to -all- our desires as long as they involve _buying_ something. Sure you should take a whole bottle of wine shopping with you; you -deserve- it! Sure you should buy all the candy; you -deserve- it!
Okay maybe I oughta shut up now. Especially as it’s bedtime anyway.
Grocery tomorrow morning. Got the list ready to go. Menus and everything.
It’s kind of crazy, that’s for sure!!
Yup - but it’s making money for someone, I’m sure. And playing right into the whole wine-and-beer-aren’t-_really_drinking idea.