Monday, December 18, 2017

Day 577

Work was all about digging out from the backlog of stuff that didn’t get done last week.

Of course there was some family drama too - isn’t there always? 

Totally got fast food dinner - there was just No. Way. I was cooking; even something as easy as the chili on the menu. Fortunately the family thinks that’s a treat.

Good news: no urges or ideas or passing thoughts about booze or benzos either.

Bad news: had to go to bed a little before nine as a way of getting away from the kitchen where all the food is kept. Slid back into stress eating as if it were a comfortable pair of shoes. Can’t imagine why as holidays, work inspection, professional deceit if not outright betrayal, family conflict and issues related to keeping two households aren’t stress-inducing at all. I haven’t reached the super-dysfunctional point of standing in front of fridge or pantry needing to taste everything but I can see it looming through the mist not as far away as I would like. 

But hey, bed is safe. Nice clean sheets, Cody blankets, dog curled up next to me—a good place to be. 

Maybe tomorrow I will get caught up. 

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