Sunday, December 24, 2017

Day 583

A good day.

Made the best hummus ever - secret is to use dried, not canned, beans and process them still hot. Also made that good Thai curry for lunch again and some roasted rutabaga because the grocery had them in pre-cubed packages so I impulse-bought.

Listened to a comedian a friend of mine recommended - Russell Howard - and I had some good laugh out loud moments which was nice.

Stayed in my pajamas till it was time to go caroling at the hospital - that’s always a really good time and this year was no different. Came home, made dinner, lounged about -it was all just lovely. I may start doing the groceries on Saturday night as a regular thing.

It’s possible - unlikely but possible - the weather will keep us from going to MiL’s for dinner tomorrow.  Unexpected snowstorm with gusty winds - the warning is from 9 tonight till 7 tomorrow night. Not getting my hopes up but it’s not impossible.

This Christmas is so much better than last year. Partly because I didn’t just get a cast off my leg but mostly because I’m so much healthier. Emotionally as much as physically I think...and it all started with sobriety. Amazing what starts happening when you stop thinking alcohol can -help- anything.

If you celebrate - Merry Christmas. If you don’t, then enjoy the long weekend with all best wishes.


  1. Merry Christmas, SamKD!
    This was my third Christmas sober and by far the best one.
    Just took 3 years to heal, I think.
    It really is amazing!!

    1. Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too!

      And really is amazing how much better life gets as one -keeps- staying sober.
