Sunday, January 21, 2018

Day 610

Woke up to no heat again. Third time in as many weeks and the last repair was only four days ago.

I was full of rage - just really awful fury - for a good 15 minutes and then just plain mad but it hadn’t lasted. It’s now right at an hour since I woke up to “damn, it’s cold in this house” and the anger has dissipated. Repairman is on the way (and was quick to point out he’s -not- the guy who was here last week) and I had some of the banana bread I made yesterday morning and suddenly realized I wasn’t pissed off any more. Annoyed, sure, but in that low-level here-we-go-again kind of way, not a big towering wrath. I don’t know if I can say all of that is sobriety or not but I do know that this whole thing would be FAR worse if I were trying to deal with no heat and a hangover too.

I’m worried that the only way to -completely- fix the heating problem is to get a new furnace. However I‘m feeling pretty good about the fact that at seven on a Sunday morning I’m just as bright-eyed and alert as if it were a weekday.

===Much Later===

The heat stayed fixed but otherwise the day didn’t really improve. Grocery shopping was Just. Wretched. I waited too late in the morning and got stuck with not just s crowd but a crowd which was socializing with one another all over the store...including a former co-worker whom I didn’t like then and still don’t but with whom I had to be pleasant. On top of that background was painted the complete lack of the right kind of meat for tomorrow’s dinner so I had to completely scrap and re-plan right there in the store.

Once I finally got home I discovered we had less than half a cup of milk...and of course nobody had bothered to tell non-milk-drinking me. I’m not dairy-free or anything - fat from it - but I don’t drink milk by the glass nor do I eat cereal so unless I’m making a recipe which calls for it I have no idea what the milk status might be.

The dogs acted up, the autistic brother-in-law acted up, the family poked fun at the Thai curry I made for lunches next week and the roast carrots scorched on the bottom. Not a great day.

I did, however, buy anew pair of hpouseslippers so that’s something. A small but nice treat to commemorate the day.


  1. Oh boy!
    Happy you have heat, and the day is over!

    1. Oh yes me too! Now if only I could get -good- cake somewhere... :)
