Friday, July 21, 2017

Day 427

Fourteen months. Very cool.

Told Spouse first thing this morning and he was exceedingly impressed. Big hug, words of pride, emotional - that was nice.

Ended up not going for lunch but -did- finish my current novel at lunchtime so that was good.

Played more of my retro computer game tonight; that was good too.

Tomorrow and the next day I'll be taking Spouse and Youngest to the other house and coming back - haven't done back-to-back driving like that in several years. Very glad to have sobriety on my side for that: yet another thing made easier by the subtraction of alcohol.

Speaking of alcohol...I'm very much a believer in live and let live, to each their own, handle your high and everyone's journey is both their own and good. However I am getting -really-tired- of hanging around drunk people. Glad that cycle will be shifting.

Glad too, as always, for sober sleep. That's something for which I will always have gratitude. It's time to start settling down and have some now.