Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day 450

Great number - four hundred and fifty! - but not a great day.

Woke up -completely- out of sorts and cranky for no reason I could fathom. Tried to be kind to myself and totally skipped the grocery shopping in part so Middle could have the car...but stayed cranky.

Some of it is, I'm sure, the fact that one of Eldest's cats is clogged enough he will most likely have to see the vet, some of it is unjustified irrational fear of being told "no" by the car dealership and a lot if it is the fact that Middle is taking MiL and her sister to the other house on Tuesday for a visit and that is creating Much - Very Much - Drama.

I'm so tired of drama. None too thrilled about the cat, either. But sometimes that's how things go. Sigh.

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