Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Day 453

A bed-by-9-pm day.

Achy like crazy and so very tired. Did everything I had to do today including surfing a small wave of work-related stress and a much larger wave of family-related stress.

Dinner didn't turn out as well as I had hoped and I was too tired to enjoy computer gaming much but I'm enjoying this horizontal with covers thing very much.

It took quite a while but I'm starting to learn that I don't have to push myself. It isn't indulgent or lazy or not motivated to freaking -stop- after doing the bare minimum on any given night. Nobody is keeping score and there won't be prizes.


  1. Isn't that the truth?
    We keep "shoulding" ourselves, or guilting ourselves.
    Even now, I am in coffee shop reading blogs, thinking I should be doing calling someone, cleaning something, something.

  2. It's hard to turn off those messages, isn't it? It's like we are all our own wicked stepmothers telling ourselves we can only enjoy/play/go to the ball after our chores are done...and piling on chores that are never ending. Web surfing in a coffee shop is a -fine- way to spend time! :)
