Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 47

Wow that number feels good. And is pretty much the only thing about this day that IS good. The morning work thing was Just Awful and then I started getting a headache in the afternoon which just exploded when I ended up staying 90 min late due to transportation issues. Felt like crying or breaking things for big chunks of time -- so much for that even keel thing.

Self care tonight meant doing The Bare Minimum which was feeding all the living things in the house. Period. Then aspirin, muscle relaxant and couch time. No dishes, no laundry, no small tasks, not even any computer games or knitting. Lying on the couch doing Nothing At All is absolutely okay no matter what my mother's voice in my head says to the contrary.

And y'know what? Treating the headache and the frustration with appropriate non-booze things helped. Headache gone and outlook better. Unlike previous times when this sort of day was an excuse to drink my dinner and then have some junk food later I have self-esteem now and will feel fine in the morning. Neat trick.

1 comment:

  1. Day 47 IS awesome isn't it! You go! Great job on taking care of you through the day as well.
